Health Benefits Of Glutathione

Nowadays, antioxidants are becoming more popular and we’re beginning to better understand why they’re so beneficial to our health — but one specific antioxidant is starting to gain a reputation for its powerful benefits.

Glutathione is one of your body’s most important antioxidants, and it’s found in every cell in your body.

This powerhouse antioxidant can help prevent disease and protect against cell damage.

If you want to know more about taking glutathione, considering asking your local naturopathic doctor for more information.

In the meantime, let’s look at what glutathione is, what health benefits it offers, and how you can ensure you maintain an adequate supply of this crucial antioxidant.

What Is Glutathione?

Glutathione, also known as GSH, is an antioxidant found in animals, plants, and fungi.

It’s made up of three amino acids: glutamine, cysteine, and glycine1.

Antioxidants are compounds that prevent and inhibit oxidation, which is a chemical reaction that releases free radicals and causes cell damage.

Glutathione is present in all your tissue and produced by your liver, which is unique to this antioxidant.

GSH levels are known to decrease with age, so it’s important you maintain a consistent supply of this antioxidant throughout your life.

Health Benefits Of Glutathione

There are a number of important functions glutathione performs in your body.

From creating DNA and regenerating nutrients to transporting heavy metals out of your body, glutathione is linked to many different benefits.

Let’s look at some of the key ways glutathione affects your health for the better.

1. It’s A Potent Antioxidant

Free radicals occur when oxygen splits into single atoms which contain unpaired electrons.

In these unstable atoms’ quest for an electron pair, they end up causing damage to proteins, cells, and DNA.

When your body struggles to prevent the damage associated with free radicals, it results in oxidative stress.

Oxidative stress is linked to many diseases including cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, and diabetes.

Antioxidants work to fight against free radicals and protect your cells from damage.

Glutathione is one of your most powerful antioxidant tools in counteracting oxidative stress because it’s found in high concentrations throughout your body.

The connection between glutathione deficiency and a wide range of conditions has been proven, with glutathione referred to as a strong marker for human disease2.

Thus, glutathione levels directly correlate to your current and future health.

2. May Help Manage Symptoms Of Ulcerative Colitis

The discomfort and painful symptoms associated with inflammatory bowel diseases are, in part, caused by and exacerbated by oxidative stress.

Ulcerative colitis, or UC, is known to cause oxidative damage, which increases the production of free radicals and wreaks havoc on your body’s cells.

Glutathione can help protect your body against the damage caused by ulcerative colitis. Supplementation of this antioxidant reduces oxidative damage and other effects of UC3.

Antioxidant-based therapies have long been studied for their potential role in inflammatory bowel disease treatment. Researchers have concluded that optimal treatments should include antioxidants such as glutathione4.

Sufficient levels of glutathione in your body may be the effective natural digestion solution you’re looking for to help with a chronic digestive disorder.

3. May Help Manage Type 2 Diabetes Symptoms

Type 2 diabetes is an endocrine disorder with no officially known cure; however, there are a number of naturopathic solutions aimed at helping you manage this condition.

One of these solutions is supplementation to ensure that you avoid a glutathione deficiency.

Individuals with insulin resistance – a state that occurs when your body doesn’t properly respond to insulin and which is the hallmark of Type 2 diabetes – tend to have lower levels of glutathione5.

There is a definite relationship between glutathione levels and the complication of type 2 diabetes symptoms, with GSH deficiency determined to be “of great significance” to the development of this disease6.

The above study found overall levels of glutathione in individuals with type 2 diabetes to be lower than those who do not have this condition.

Additionally, the deficiency of glutathione proved to make symptoms worse by causing an increase of oxidative stress.

This is because of glutathione’s powerful effect on the oxidative damage caused by chronic hyperglycemia, or long-term high blood sugar that occurs in diabetes.

4. May Help Manage Psoriasis Symptoms

As one of the most common chronic skin conditions, psoriasis causes your skin cells to age rapidly and build up on your skin’s surface.

This results in itchy, inflamed patches of skin that are often painful.

A treatment that has proven effective in managing psoriasis symptoms is whey protein, thought to be because of its high glutathione content.

By combating the oxidative stress and systemic inflammation caused by psoriasis, the glutathione in whey protein isolate benefitted a number of individuals with this problematic skin condition7.

The patients who took part in this study saw benefits from this natural skin condition treatment. The benefits were seen when taking whey protein with and without other topical products or medication.

5. It May Have Cancer-Preventative Properties

High levels of free radicals play a role in the development of cancer, so it’s no surprise that antioxidants like glutathione may have cancer-preventative properties.

Elevated levels of glutathione raise the concentration of other antioxidants in your body, creating a formidable force that fights against oxidative stress and cell damage.

Research has shown that GSH deficiency increases your susceptibility to the “oxidative stress implicated in the progression of cancer”8.

Thus, ensuring your body has abundant amounts of glutathione helps you build up resistance against the free radicals and oxidative damage associated with cancer.

How To Increase Your Glutathione Levels

Increasing your glutathione levels is not only important to reap the benefits of this antioxidant, but also to avoid the negative consequences of a deficiency.

Here are some easy and effective ways you can encourage healthy glutathione production.

1. Exercise Regularly

There are so many benefits to regular physical exercise, and glutathione production is one of them.

Exercise can help you maintain and increase antioxidant levels, especially when combining different kinds of exercise like cardio and weight training.

However, don’t forget to fuel up — proper nutrition is necessary for your body to produce glutathione, and over-training can deplete vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

2. Improve Your Sleep

Putting the effort into achieving and maintaining a good quality sleep schedule will assist in glutathione production.

Chronic lack of sleep and insomnia can cause your glutathione levels to dip, as well as cause oxidative stress.

Avoiding screens before bed, establishing a relaxing night-time routine, and getting 7-9 hours of restorative sleep every night can help boost your glutathione levels and support your health.

3. Eat Glutathione-Rich Foods

Foods containing sulphur will increase the glutathione in your body, because sulphur is required for GSH synthesis.

Meat, fish, and poultry contain sulphur, as well as vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, kale, and Brussels sprouts.

You should also aim to consume foods high in vitamin C, because this antioxidant helps maintain your body’s supply of glutathione.

Vegetables in the allium family, including garlic, onions, and shallots, are known to boost glutathione levels.

Your diet plays an important role when it comes to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and mindfully choosing glutathione-rich foods can help you avoid a potential deficiency.

4. Supplement With Curcumin

Even if you haven’t heard of curcumin, you’ve most likely heard of its number-one source.

Turmeric, a delicious Indian spice known for its bright yellowish hue, owes its colour to curcumin.

Although curcumin is the main component of turmeric, the best way to get adequate amounts (and be sure of the dosage) is to take a supplement or turmeric extract.

Studies have proven low levels of curcumin help protect against glutathione depletion, keeping you from developing a deficiency9.

5. Eat Selenium-Rich Foods

Selenium is an essential mineral that plays a role in brain function, fertility, and your immune system.

On top of that, selenium is necessary for glutathione production and activity.

By consuming foods high in selenium, you’re ensuring your body maintains a high supply of glutathione.

Some nutritious options that contain selenium include:

• Meat (beef, chicken, and fish)
• Cottage cheese
• Brazil nuts

Nutritional counselling can be a great all-natural way to make sure your diet is sufficient, providing plenty of the nutrients necessary for optimal health.


Book An Appointment With Nardini Naturopathic

Glutathione is one of the most important antioxidants in your body, and it plays a big role in preventing disease and cell damage.

Supporting adequate GSH production through nutrition and lifestyle choices is a great first step to achieving optimal health.

For more naturopathic solutions, contact me, Dr. Pat Nardini at Nardini Naturopathic.

I’m a naturopathic doctor who strives for a natural, science-based approach to better health.

I would love to work with you to devise a natural health plan that fits you and your lifestyle.

Book an appointment with Nardini Naturopathic today.

If you have questions about naturopathic medicine, or you’d like to take your first step into the world of naturopathy, contact us at Nardini Naturopathic, and let’s book an appointment.