The Health Benefits of Walking

The Health Benefits Of Walking | Nardini Naturopathic

Do you wish you had more energy, or want to lose weight?

Or do you just want to create healthier habits?

In the face of the fast paced modern life we all live, with all the responsibilities of the 21st century, living a healthier lifestyle can sometimes seem intimidating.

Everywhere you turn there’s someone selling a new diet, or fitness plan.

It can be overwhelming – but it doesn’t have to be.

One of the simplest things you can do to get healthier doesn’t require any fancy equipment – just a good pair of shoes.

I’m talking of course, about walking.

Keep reading to learn more.

Why Walking?

Walking is one of the oldest forms of exercise.

Before people were debating the merits of CrossFit vs body building for fitness, people walked.

If you’re a hardcore athlete who needs something to do on your rest days (because those are important) walking is a great option.

And if you’re out of shape, haven’t exercised much recently, or you have chronic pain that holds you back from more strenuous exercise, going for a gentle walk is a great way to ease yourself back into physical activity.

And if you don’t know where to start, if the options of what to do for a workout overwhelm you, then walking is a great start.

Is There A Right Way To Walk?

Most people don’t think about the way they walk.

However, if you want to take up walking for fitness you’ll want to pay attention to your posture and be sure to move with purpose.

When thinking about walking technique, here are some tips to consider:

• Walk with your head up – look forward and not at the ground, or your phone.
• Keep your neck, shoulders and back relaxed.
• Swing your arms, and keep a slight bend in your elbows. This may also help burn more calories and increase your heart rate.
• Keep your back straight, and not arched forward or backward.
• Roll your foot from heel to toe.

Finally, don’t neglect the importance of a proper warm up, cool down, and a gentle stretch.

As with anything, proper technique is important to get the most benefit, and to avoid injury.

Benefits Of Walking

Walking is a lot more about getting from point A to point B (although that is a plus when you use it as a mode of transportation).

There are many benefits of walking which you may not have thought of.

Keep reading to find out what they are.

Benefits of walking | Nardini Naturopathic

1. It Gets You Outside

I could write a whole other piece about the benefits of spending time outdoors.

But from getting vitamin D via sunlight, to getting some fresh air to help restore focus, there is no question being outside is good for you, and what better way to get outside than to go for a walk?

2. Helps You Maintain A Healthy Weight

Walking can be just as effective as more intense workouts in maintaining a healthy weight.

Walking at a brisk pace can burn a good amount of energy, but it’s also great in that it’s easy to do – put on your shoes and just go, without worrying about the gym schedule or travelling there.

Additionally, walking briskly for at least 30 minutes each day has been linked to a lower body mass index, as well as a smaller waist, compared to non-walkers.

And any exercise which is easy to maintain daily is better than not exercising at all.

If you’re particularly out of shape or obese, walking may be the only form of exercise you can manage.

That’s okay, you can’t go from couch potato to marathon runner overnight. Baby steps.

3. May Support Bone Health Into Old Age

Walking can help stop the loss of bone mass as you age.

When we walk, we are fighting gravity, which strengthens our bones in order to support our body weight.

This can help reduce the risk for osteoporosis and fractures.

4. May Improve Depression And Mood Disorders

All forms of exercise can help to improve mood, as it releases endorphins and other “feel good” hormones.

If you want to take it a “step” further, walking outdoors barefoot to connect closely with nature, while also getting vitamin D from the sun can be a fantastic mood booster. Just make sure you walk on a soft surface, like grass.

As you age, walking has been shown to decrease instances of Alzheimer’s, dementia, and memory loss.

5. It’s Free And Almost Everyone Can Do It

Gym memberships can be expensive.

Fancy fitness equipment is also expensive.

Walking is free – and almost anyone can start doing it.

If you are worried about the time, while you may not have a whole hour to start, most people can find a block of 15 to 20 minutes, a few times a week.

Parking further back, or getting off the bus one stop early are great ways to fit in a few minutes of walking.

Contact Nardini Naturopathic

Are you trying to fit more walking into your life?

Are you interested in how your habits and daily activities could be affecting your health in ways you may not even realize?

If so, contact me, Dr. Pat Nardini, to book a FREE 15-minute health clarity consultation.

We can chat more about your goals from a health and fitness perspective, and help you build a healthier, happier lifestyle.

If you have questions about naturopathic medicine, or you’d like to take your first step into the world of naturopathy, contact us at Nardini Naturopathic, and let’s book an appointment.

Yours in health,

Dr. Pat Nardini, Naturopathic Doctor

320 Danforth Ave suite 206,
Toronto, ON, M4K 1N8


Dr. Pat Nardini, ND is a licensed doctor of naturopathic medicine in Toronto, Ontario. He offers science based natural health solutions with a special focus on thyroid conditions.